Sunday 23 May 2010

"The best things in life are unexpected - because there were no expectations." 
- Eli Khamarov

One of my many highlights of Sao Paulo was meeting the wonderful and wise Rodrigo Perez (or better known as Plato!) Rodrigo is a hugely talented photographer, specialising in long exposure pinhole photography. Please check out his set on Flickr - Pinhole Photography. Above are just a couple of my favourites, I love how mysterious and eerie they are. Simply timeless.  

Wednesday 19 May 2010

¨Adrianna Carver, London¨

A dingy room in Bethnal Green, a dressing up box, many a bottle of wine and a life size prawn resulted in the above. To check out more images from the shoot Shellfish Madness

The beautiful Adrianna will be featuring on the music portfolio of Mr Ed Cox. Check out his work on bigedlove and his awesome band Heads.Hearts. I defy you not to grin when listening to any of their tracks.